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Introducing the newest and most exciting squash league in Toronto - the Extreme Doubles Squash League! Get ready to witness the best doubles squash the world has to offer.   With fast-paced matches, intense gameplay, and some beers along the way. The XDSL is something to witness. ​

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The XSDL is a Team based Toronto Doubles Squash League similar to other major sporting league. Players are drafted to 5 teams who battle it out to determine the best squash doubles franchise. The competition consists of 3 teams from franchise A competing against 3 teams from franchise B. Games are best 3 out of 5 to 11 points. Whichever franchise wins 2 matches wins the night!


Squash has always been a home away from home. Where everyone knows everyone. The unfortunate timing of Covid causing year 1 of the XSDL to fall short. BUT WE ARE BACK. Following in the footsteps of Legends Nicholls and Baldwin the league has returned bigger and better than ever. BIGGER MATCHES, BETTER PLAYERS & BIGGER BRAGGING RIGHTS!!!

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